Changes to Tasmania’s Cat Management Act
Since March 2021, there have been updates to legislation by the Tasmanian Government regarding how cats are managed and cared for. These changes affect many cat owners. Below are some of the most relevant changes, but you can check out the Cat Management Act 2009 (the Act) and Cat Management Regulations 2012 for full information.
Some of the amendments came into effect on the 1st of March 2021, while others started in March 2022, but they are all now in effect.
Requirements under the Act
Desexing and Microchipping
All cats over the age of four months must be microchipped and desexed, unless a vet certifies that it may adversely affect the health and welfare of the cat.
Multiple Cat Permits
If you own more than 4 cats or are thinking of owning more, you’ll need to apply for a Multiple Cat Permit. Apply here.
Breeding, Selling & Buying Cats
Breeding Cats
Only people who are registered breeders or hold a Cat Breeding Permit may breed cats. Note that the State Government will no longer be registering cat breeders. Anyone wishing to breed a cat in Tasmania will be required to be a member of a recognised cat organisation or will have the option of applying for a conditional permit to breed a cat.
Selling or Buying Cats
Cats that are sold or given away must be more than eight weeks old, desexed, microchipped and have passed a health check.
Under the Act 'to sell' includes giving away a cat or offering to sell a cat.
Cat Management Facilities
The Act establishes cat management facilities as a key community resource to manage unwanted and stray cats.
Protection from Roaming and Nuisance Cats
The Act permits the trapping, seizing and humane destruction of cats in certain circumstances, and gives landowners and managers the statutory power to control 'roaming and nuisance' cats found on their land. See our Trapping Cats section for more information on how Just Cats can help.
Visit the NRET website for more information on responsible cat ownership.